All in Writing

words and pictures

Hello reader words, seer of pictures, thinker of thoughts. Feel like doing some of that together? An idea for a new writing series has arisen, so I’m going for it. It's called Words and Pictures. Every day for the next who knows how many days, I’m going to draw a little picture of something mundane, and write some possibly tedious, possibly transcendental words to go along with it.

The Little Things Are The Big Things

2017. My grandma died. I got the flu and couldn’t walk properly. I spent three months fearing I had breast cancer. I cried. I swore. I felt insufficient. It would be easy for me to throw last year on the scrap pile of years that sucked if I hadn’t done this one powerful thing…

You're Getting Older Girl

My annual ode to getting older. It has a dark beginning but hang in there, it has a happy(ish) ending… I was in the midst of a sweaty throng of other rock fans jumping up and down to my fave live band feeling super fucking happy...

Commute: The Magic Between Departure and Arrival

Today I slid my laptop into a beach bag with coffee money, wandered out the back gate to the beach, stopped to take a close-up of a flower still covered in dew, then walked along the beach to a little café to sip coffee and write... I reflected on how things change and how the word ‘commute’ has taken on a very different meaning for me...

Tomato & Onion Sandwiches

The shearing shed is a flurry of activity. The three sets of mechanical shears powered by the loud petrol engine buzz and clitter-clatter in competition with each other. As do the shearers who hold the shears, bent over their sheep – deep in the meditation of their craft.

I Got Wise: Four Things I learned at 40

Well, it seems that just maybe I did do some growing up in the last year, because this birthday I chilled the F out, and noticed that I knew some stuff that I didn’t know last year. I’ll spare you a list of 40, but here’s four: 1. Stop being so fucking hard on yourself...