All tagged Childhood

old friends

Little Nothing Moments #13 / Old friends are like sign posts on the peaks of life’s triumphs and tragedies, reminding you of who you are, who you were and who you’ve got the potential to be. Old friends keep you from getting lost in the wilderness.

At Least the Wattle Keeps on Blooming

Mum sits the three of us down at the kitchen table and asks us if we’ve noticed that she and Dad have been arguing a lot. I’m eight, the oldest and the most outspoken. I ask as a joke if they’re going to get divorced. It seems like such a whacky possibility. Something that happens on TV, not in our house. 

Tomato & Onion Sandwiches

The shearing shed is a flurry of activity. The three sets of mechanical shears powered by the loud petrol engine buzz and clitter-clatter in competition with each other. As do the shearers who hold the shears, bent over their sheep – deep in the meditation of their craft.